Switzerland-wide roadshow: September 19 - 24, 2023
New Technologies - New Ways of Age(ing)? - The 2nd roadshow took place in September 2023.
Our first roadshow took place in late summer 2022. It was launched again in September 2023 in order to reach a broad public and mobilise and bring together as many stakeholder groups as possible. We travelled throughout Switzerland with a promotional trailer - equipped with various innovative technologies to support people 65+:
Visitors had access to technologies, e.g. movement sensors, devices (small wearable assistive technologies) for measuring vital data, fall sensors and much more, that can be used in either private households or institutions for the elderly. Robots were also part of the roadshow (e.g. NAO, PARO) and could be "tried out" directly on site.
Contact Roadshow
Samira-Salomé Hüsler
University of Applied Sciences of Eastern Switzerland (OST)
Institute for Ageing Research (IAF-OST)
Research Assistant
Monika Freund Schoch
University of Applied Sciences of Eastern Switzerland (OST)
Institute for Ageing Research (IAF-OST)
Research Assistant