
Assistive Technologies / Robots


Manufacturer: Aidwatch
Contact person: Manuel Eppert

In use in: International
Category: Portable devices
Functions: Web-based emergency call/fall alarm

Short description
The aidwatch range consists of emergency watches with an automatic fall detector that have been specially developed for vulnerable and senior citizens. The watches have emergency call options and health monitoring and can also be used without a smartphone thanks to an integrated SIM card. The emergency call button is automatically linked to emergency contacts, which are called one after another until someone answers ( excluding answering machine). In addition, an SMS is sent to the emergency contacts. The watches can be configured via a web dashboard or directly on the watch and can be used in Switzerland and internationally. The watches are available on a subscription basis and offer the user the necessary security.**

Alpha Mini

@UBTECH Robotics
Manufacturer: UBTECH Robotics

Face and object recognition

Short description
Alpha Mini is a small humanoid robot. It is able to communicate and has face and object recognition and can be used for learning purposes.


Manufacturer: Blue Frog, the robot company (France)

3 wheels, high mobility, can move head, show emotions, 56cm, 5kg, 16GB, 8-10h battery, iPad control (communication), monitoring function, open-source

Short description
BUDDY can be used for child supervision, as a playmate for children with disabilities, as assistive technology for adults and as a companion robot for older adults. Buddy can remind older adults to take their medication or keep appointments, while also serving as a communication technology.

CARU care

@Caru care
Manufacturer: CARU care - Hausnotruf neu gedacht

Home emergency system

Short description
CARU care combines the latest technology with outstanding design and thus creates more safety in everyday life. CARU care is a product made in Switzerland, which is developed and produced in Zurich. By voice or pushing a button an emergency call is triggered. It is connected to the 24-hour control center or relatives. For additional safety, severe falls are automatically detected by the sensors on the wrist.

Emergency buttons

Short description
Emergency buttons, bracelets, watches, or medallions now come in a wide variety of forms and are equipped with various technical systems. The basic idea is simple: in the event of a health problem or fall, the person concerned can press a button. In this way, he or she contacts an emergency call center or another saved number and can be rescued.



Manufacturer: Ullo
Flower, le booster de sérénité

Web-based emergency call/fall alarm

Short description
If a person falls, the aidwatch independently calls an emergency contact. In addition, the smartwatch has a call-for-help button that can be linked to five selected numbers. One press of the button is all it takes to call one emergency contact after another until a person answers the call. Since the aidwatch works with a SIM card, it is the ideal companion both at home and on the road.

HandiGood Easy Up

Manufacturer: HandiGood

Short description
Handigood Easy-Up is a tool that, with a single press, creates a vacuum to securely attach an object to its surface while also anchoring itself to the countertop. It is available with accessory packs, which include the carton holder, soda can holder, Easy-Mini for small objects, Easy-Warm for pans and pots, and Easy-Release for opening jars.

Joy for All

@Ageless Innovation Companion Pets
Manufacturer: Ageless Innovation

Short description
The “Joy for All” cat is an interactive robot with built-in sensors that mimics the movements and sounds of a real cat. It offers older people and people with dementia an authentic and reassuring experience, reduces loneliness, and improves emotional well-being and health. Winner of the “Dementia SMART” Award and the “Today's CareGiver” Friendly Award.

Livy Care

@HUM Systems
Manufacturer: HUM Systems

Short description
Livy Care is an easily installable, multifunctional, and connectable device. It is a solution for safety and health monitoring in various environments, featuring fall detection, monitoring of dementia patients, and the ability to make emergency calls. It detects a wide range of hazardous situations with an accuracy of less than 1% false positives. Additionally, Livy Care serves as a data hub for various vital sign measurement devices.**

MIMO Radar

@ESA Institut für Elektronik, Sensorik und Aktorik
Developer: ESA FH OST

Short description
To detect sleep apnea, a diagnosis in a sleep laboratory is usually necessary. The unfamiliar environment and many sensors make it difficult for patients to sleep. With the radar sensor developed at the OST, breathing can be measured wirelessly at home. Apart from this, the recording of other vital parameters, e.g., the heart rate or the sleeping position becomes possible.


Manufacturer: SoftBank Robotics

60 cm, 5.2 kg, battery approx. 60-90 minutes, head = 1.6 GHz Intel ATOM Z530 processor (a secondary processor is in the torso) and two integrated HD cameras with 30 fps, programming tool, open source

Short description
NAO is a humanoid robot from the French manufacturer SoftBank Robotics and a well-known programming tool. NAO is used, among other things, as a therapy robot (exercise or intervention therapy) in healthcare facilities to greet, inform and/or entertain visitors or older adults.


@ Kinova Assistive
Manufacturer: Kinova Assistive

Food aid, 4 bowls, spoon and arm, 3.5 kg, battery 4h

Short description
OBI is a feeding robot with four bowls. The robot arm picks up the food with the spoon and carries it to the mouth. The person using it must still be able to move their head so that they can eat from the spoon and operate a button.


@© 2014 PARO Robots U.S., Inc.
Manufacturer: Takanori Shibata (Japan) National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)

2-5 kg, 60 cm, soft, responsive

Short description
Paro was originally developed in Japan for the treatment of people with dementia. Today, it is used in retirement and nursing homes worldwide. Paro has a positive influence on the mental state and social behaviour as well as on the physiological level (e.g. reduction of stress hormones).



Manufacturer: Senopi

VR-based (memory) training

Short description
With SenopiMed, users are immersed in a fascinating virtual world and can playfully train their physical and cognitive skills. This innovative VR solution was developed by SenopiVR especially for people over 60. The training includes different difficulty levels and focuses on everyday skills such as arm mobility, executive functions and working memory. As part of residential care, caregivers provide support and track progress via the associated app.

Sensor Fearless

Manufacturer: Cogvis

Fall detector

Short description
Using infrared technology and artificial intelligence, the sensor can detect falls without a senior having to press a button. The sensor is mounted on a wall or ceiling and can then monitor part of the room depending on its size. The sensor can also be integrated into the emergency call system and trigger the appropriate alarm.

Withings Steel HR

Manufacturer: Withings

Short description
Withings Steel HR is a smartwatch that monitors physical activity, sleep and heart rate. It is used in health studies, particularly those on sleep, cancer and in the future also Alzheimer's disease.

Everyday helpers

Integral cutlery

Integrales Besteck mit Kugelset

Short description
The ergonomic steel cutlery is not only nice to look at but features a special design for people with limited motor skills. The custom-designed spoon shape helps people with limited motor skills to be more independent at mealtimes and can improve their quality of life.

Sippa - Universal Drinking Aid

Manufacturer: Sippa

Short description
The Sippa drinking aid helps people with movement limitations and swallowing disorders to drink. Sippa significantly reduces the risk of aspiration.

Other innovations


Manufacturer: Oliz

Short description
Bent is a weighted plush toy designed to provide relief, calmness, and comfort to individuals with sensory processing issues, tension, and sleep difficulties. Its weight, combined with long arms, helps create a sense of relief and security. It is particularly effective for conditions such as depression, autism, ADHD, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and dementia.

Experiential box

Manufacturer: Komform - Kommunikation in Form

Collapsible box, ring opening, elastic bands to secure contents, compartments for sorting and storage, age-appropriate surface, cleanable with a cloth and list of appropriate items to fill the box

Short description
The thematic experience boxes are designed to awaken memories in older adults and encourage independent action. Pictures, colors, and words as well as tactile elements play an important role. The practical box offers compartments in which to classify and arrange the various elements.

Impulse box

Manufacturer: Zeitpolster (Zeitvorsorge)

Facilitates access to difficult topics

Short description
The Impulse Box makes it easier to approach difficult topics. An Impulse Box contains topic cards, a guide and invitation cards. Depending on the thematic area (e.g. dementia or retirement), the questions were compiled in cooperation with the relevant organisations.

Lotte Chair

Manufacturer: Sarah Hossli (Design) / Möbel für den Büro-, Objekt- und Wohnbereich. Seit 1889 (

Short description
Lotte is a chair that enables users to stand up and sit down on their own, regardless of age and ability. Due to age-related impairments, this often represents a major challenge and restricts the freedom of older people in everyday life. One striking feature is the slightly raised armrests that extend towards the front of the furniture. Thanks to their shape, they can be grasped safely and at the same time serve as a comfortable armrest and offer support when standing up or sitting down.

Online Platforms and Apps

Bonjour Grow App

Bonjour Grow App - Erfülle Deine Wünsche und wachse als Mensch

Bonjour's Grow app aims to create new inspirations for daily life. The user can choose goals for the week in six areas of daily life. Once the goal for the week is reached, a new flower appears.



Nowadays, the smartphone is an indispensable tool in the everyday life of all generations. However, its use is often complicated for older people in particular. As part of a current project, the Institute for Ageing Research is testing a recently developed smartphone app, which should make it easier for older people and those unfamiliar with technology to use their smartphones by simplifying certain functions and also navigation. As part of the project, the app will be tested in direct cooperation with various end-user groups (older people, family members) at the Living Lab 65+ of the Research Institute on Ageing at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Eastern Switzerland (OST), and on the basis of the feedback received it will be refined and improved for the Android operating system over several development cycles. The app can also be used in tandem, so that a younger trusted person (e.g. a child) can directly assist the older person via remote access.



To meet the local demand for caregivers, the HEROES project aims to make the recruitment of caregivers fast, reliable, and cost-efficient. The project team is developing a digital recruitment platform in which retired individuals and caregivers support private individuals and institutions in the recruitment process of caregivers.

Wisdom of Age - A Seniors Digital Platform for Knowledge Transfer towards Industrial Companies

EU-Projekt Wisdom of Age

With the WisdomOfAge (WoA) project, a modern, flexible and open digital platform is being developed with the aim of connecting companies and adults 55+ with work experience (e.g. in technology and IT). Since the user interface must meet the needs of the end users, they are closely involved in the development of the project from the very beginning. The ultimate goal is that through the platform, adults aged 55 and over can easily share their knowledge and experience in the fields of technology and IT with organisations and companies in the form of mentoring, coaching and consulting.
However, the objective is not limited to mere knowledge transfer, but also wants to promote active and individualised ageing.