
Incentive systems for employment at retirement age

Even if Bill 21 on old-age and survivors’ insurance (OASI) is adopted, it is unclear whether the financial incentives to continue working beyond the standard retirement age will be sufficient. Those who are interested in gainful employment at retirement age have to expect some risk of financial losses. Although the Federal Council proposed various measures to increase labour force participation at retirement age in its message on stabilising the OASI (OASI 21), there is controversy as to whether these are sufficient. The question arises as to whether further financial incentives for continued employment should be set at the legislative level, as was also demanded in political initiatives in both federal chambers of parliament in 2019.

Irrespective of legal regulations, there is scope for action to increase the attractiveness of 65+ employment in practice, which is not yet being fully utilised. In this cluster, a participatory innovation process – involving representatives of employees and employers – is used to show how future employment relationships can be designed in such a way that more people aged 65+ remain in employment and that both employers and employees aged 65+ can benefit from this.

In addition, a survey of national and international experts will be conducted in order to identify the legal reform steps that could be taken to increase the attractiveness of 65+ employment.

Ihr Kontakt

Prof. Dr. Jonathan Bennett

Bern University of Applied Sciences
Institute on Ageing
Head of the Institute on Ageing

Prof. Dr. Peter Neuenschwander

Bern University of Applied Sciences