
Development and evaluation of immersive virtual practices

We are developing an educational intervention in the sub-project “Development and evaluation of immersive virtual practices” of the Dementia Cluster. This uses modern virtual reality (VR) technologies to immerse people in a world as a person with dementia might experience it.

To do this, we first need to understand how people with dementia experience their environment. We build such knowledge on the basis of a literature review. We analyse these results together with international experts from the fields of education, care and new technologies. Then, we select the phenomena of the experience of individuals with dementia to be implemented in the subsequent VR.

 Working with VR experts, we are designing an application within the framework of the project to give students and carers insights into the living environment of people with dementia and to gather their own experiences. In this way, we want to promote understanding for individuals with dementia and thus contribute to a better integration of those affected.

See below what a virtual world might look like. We add dementia-specific phenomena in the project.

Ihr Kontakt

Prof. Dr. Heidi Zeller

University of Applied Sciences of Eastern Switzerland (OST)
Institute of Nursing Sciences (IPW-OST)
Head of Competence Center Dementia
Head of Cluster Dementia

Dr. Steffen Heinrich

University of Applied Sciences of Eastern Switzerland (OST)
Institute of Nursing Sciences (IPW-OST)