
Award Ceremony Age Innovation Prize 2023

Age Innovation Prize 2023 - The winners have been chosen!

In spring 2023, we called for submission of products and ideas that have the potential to make a real difference to the lives of older people and promote their independence, autonomous living, quality of life or health.

The broad-based jury (AGE-INT, Switzerland Innovation Park Ost, Ernst & Young, IBM, SBB, City of Zurich, University of Geneva, SUPSI, Centre for Gerontology at the University of Zurich) has selected three winners from a large number of award-worthy submissions.

The winners in three categories were announced as part of the «Focus on Health: Strategies for a Long and Healthy Life» lecture series at Switzerland Innovation Park Ost in St. Gallen on 8 November 2023:

Best Product 2023:
Mobilization device «Pegasus Spine» by MovementSciences Inc.

Best Start-up 2023:
BIOS Medical AG with the mobility sensor «HIPbeacon»

Best project idea 2023:
MIMO Radar by ESA Institut für Elektronik, Sensorik und Aktorik (Departemet Technical Sciences at the Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences)

The winners receive the following prizes:

- Consultancy package of 20 hours each worth CHF 3000 to support the acquisition of customers or development partners (sponsor: Switzerland Innovation Park Ost)

- Co-creation workshop with age target group worth CHF 7500 (sponsor: IAF)

- Prize money of CHF 5000 for the winner of the «Best project idea» category to support the realisation of the project idea (sponsor: EY)

All three winners will have the opportunity to network and present themselves at AGE-INT.

AGE-INT would like to congratulate all participants and winners and thank the sponsors (Switzerland Innovation Park OstEY and the IAF Institute for Ageing Research) and the jury!

Press Release Age Innovation Prize 2023 (German)

In 2024, we will again be honouring products and projects that have the potential to change the lives of older people. Visit us again in spring 2024 for information on the organisation of the Age Innovation Prize 2024.

Organisation by the IAF Institute for Ageing Research in cooperation with Switzerland Innovation Park OstErnst & Young and AGE-INT.

Members of the AGE-INT Program

Ernst & Young
IBM Schweiz

Public Sector
City of Zurich
Zentrum für Gerontologie University of Zurich
OST – Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences
Scuola universitaria professionale della Svizzera italiana (SUPSI)

Switzerland Innovation Park Ost

Cornelia Ursprung

University of Applied Sciences of Eastern Switzerland (OST)
Institute for Ageing Research (IAF-OST)
Deputy Project Leader Cluster Technology
Research Assistant

Cora Pauli

University of Applied Sciences of Eastern Switzerland (OST)
Institute for Ageing Research (IAF-OST)
Project Leader Cluster Technology
Research Assistant