
Description of the current situation with regard to isolation, loneliness and social participation in the third and fourth ages

Our cluster team aims to describe and map the relationship situations of older adults in Switzerland, focusing on their diversity and uniqueness. We are guided by the most important concepts such as social exclusion, isolation, loneliness and social integration. In particular, we analyse the differences between the third age and the fourth age in the different regions of Switzerland (cantons, urban and rural areas) according to the characteristics and trajectories of individuals (e.g. gender, migration background, nursing home residents versus living independently) with an additional focus on older adults 80+ as well as 90+. In addition, the different patterns in Switzerland are examined on the basis of international comparisons. Specific aspects are explored in greater depth, for example, to examine the relationship between loneliness and fragility.

Ihr Kontakt

Prof. Dr. Stefano Cavalli

University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI)
Head of the Centre of Competence on Ageing

Dr. Elia Pusterla

University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI)
Centre of Competence on Ageing